Help Her Hot Wife – The reality is, many wives who express an interest in this as a fantasy are totally seducible. What you need is a male willing to work wtih you, slowly and judiciously. He would need to find out everything about your wife, her hopes and dreams and fantasies, her “type” etc. Then, the next step would be organize a meeting, like for dinner, where you introduce him as your friend. Given what you have “taught” him, he will do the early, gentle seduction, just little flirting and all. Then you talk to your wife after, maybe include the man in your fantasy talk with her for a while. THEN, next time, or the time after the three of you go out, you or he gently moves the conversation to fantasy talk, and it gets to the “other man fantasy.” With enough preperation, and time, and maybe alcohol, you should be able to move it to a threesome, and from there, who knows. I have done this before, both with my wife and as the other man, so I know it can work, but it does take patience and time.