My wife:
A woman’s marital vows are to love, honor, cherish, and forsake all others. Is this a vow of subjective idealism or is it carved in stone? A woman at home alone, her husband at work and children at school, stands in her living room stalwart yet vulnerable. Her dress hangs lose unencumbered by braw or panties as she takes a deep breath. She unzips her dress and lets it fall down around her high heels with nothing but a pearl necklace to cover her nakedness.
She carefully kneels down looking at the front room window and leans forward on the gold chair her mother gave her. She carefully places her hands out in front of her. Her knees angled slightly apart and buttocks lifted upward, she anxiously awaits that which is to come. Her lips tremble in anticipation as her encounter nears her position. She listens as he unzips his pants and lets them drop to the floor.
His hands are strong and warm as he divides her thighs pressing his huge coal black cock against her pussy hole. An apple sized head passes between her labia’s as his eleven inch shaft pushes it home. Fully impaled on his member she begins to moan with pleasure feeling his huge balls nestled firmly against her fore pussy. Her session begins.
Some would say that she’s a cheating wife violating her marriage by letting another man enter her vagina. What would her mother or her friends say? Would they think her an adulteress? Would they think her a whore? Would they say that she’s violated her marriage or her vows? Certainly she’s been unfaithful in her compromised position, taking pleasure in her promiscuity no less. To have intercourse outside of marriage is the most ominous of sins in most cultures, but to do it in the marital home, and across her mothers chair must be the biggest infraction of sanctity a woman could do. Or is it?
Maybe her husbands cock is too small and she is unsatisfied by his love making. Maybe he is not seeing to her needs. Would that be enough of a reason to receive another mans cock in their living room in broad day light? If she’s decided to cuckold her husband and take another mans cock then perhaps she is going to humiliate her husband as well. To let another man have her in their home and not use a condom, Cuming in her without protection is certainly a humiliating experience for her husband. But compounded by his wife’s lover being black? It could be seen as understandably upsetting. She may even throw caution to the wind and continue to let her ebon lover deposit his seed, to the point of letting her belly swell with the cuckold baby of her pleaser. Her husband then dealing with the humiliation of being the father of her cuckolding, if not by action, at least by proxy. And the idea that he should have been a more viral mate for her. Perhaps she will stop having sex with her husband all together and only take outside lovers. She may ever have her husband watch them or even clean them when done.
Perhaps she is in love with her encounter and has emotional attachment. If so then why is she in the living room instead of the bed room? Why is she facing away from her lover rather then embracing him? To be in love with another man would surely explain the events that are unfolding. But to stair out the front window while receiving a man’s cock is surely a sign that it’s not emotional on her part, but rather an action to be considered.
She may have even taken a bath before hand having her husband shave her legs and trim her pubes. Bathing, shaving and dressing your wife before a date or an encounter, has to be the most erotic experience ever. But if this was a date then why didn’t they go out? Why are they in the front room fucking as causally as if it were the plumber that had stopped by to unclog a drain?
Let me offer a further explanation. Perhaps she is doing exactly what is expected of her. As a hot wife she may very well be doing exactly that. She is properly preparing her pussy for her husbands liking. Having her vagina stretched to the proper size and to be of the proper wetness has its appeal. Maybe her husband likes her to be in a used and sloppy condition. He may have even arranged the encounter which explains her reluctance to participate. To have a stranger penetrate a woman’s most intimate place most certainly is intrusive to say the least. But to have him stretching a honing her for her husbands enhanced pleasure would not qualify her as a cheating wife. She may only be preparing herself, as most women prepare the home for their husbands anticipated arrival. She may even see this as most women see cleaning, vacuuming, or cooking dinner, as just another chore.
I suggest that if her husband were to come home and interrupt the session that he may even wait patently out in the portico while his wife finishes up her chore. Just as casually as if he had come home and found her basting a turkey for his dinner. If not will her husband notice her carpet burned knees? Will he see that her dress is wrinkled? Perhaps he will notice the wet spot in the living room floor where his wife carelessly let her lovers orgasm poor out as freely as cream in their morning coffee. He may even smell their sex when he hugs her or taste testosterone on her lips when he kisses her.
He may even take her to bed and taste her pussy for the saltiness of her promiscuity, or for the bitter taste of latex from her used condition, had she bothered. He will surely notice the looseness of her being stretched and juiciness of her cream filled hole. Perhaps her swollen and sore pussy lips will tell him all he needs to know about her day. Or the purpleness of her crotch will gave a tell tale hint to that which as transpired.
The taking of a woman is a serious and complex endeavor which cannot be taken lightly. To balance that which she needs with that which she wants will surely drive a man crazy. But to balance what you want with what she needs, can be the most erotic adventure of your life time.