In two families, I have fucked all of the females in the family. In one case a mother and both of her daughters. In another a mother, 2 daughters and their cousin thrown in for good measure!
I am not talking about group sex. In both cases there was no group sex or even the slightest possibility of it. In both cases I picked them off one at a time and finishing the job, got an incredible sense of bullish satisfaction of domination over that family. In the first case the woman was still married and the pleasure was particularly great – and the weight of the situation was not lost on the woman either, who knew I had fucked both her daughters. In the second case the woman was separated, and a complete slut anyway, so the sense of achievement wasn’t so great – but it was well worthwhile all the same! When is sex with a slut not good?
This is the the story of the first of the families.
I met a girl when I was in my 1st year of college called Meagan (in this telling!). She was a town girl, not a college girl. We dated, had sex – it was pretty normal. She ws actually a peach to look at and I had been infatuated with her. But we split some time that same college year but stayed in touch. After I finished college I started work in the same town – and attended Meagan’s wedding. It was the worst wedding in history. She had hooked up with a holy rolling fundamentalist Baptist asshole, and taken up religion herself – the full bit, speaking in tongues etc. The wedding was a 2 hour sermon about the analogy between the relationship of Jesus to his church and a man to his wife. It was fucked! And it was alcohol free!!
Anyway, while I was sitting there getting mind fucked I caught the eye of Katie (as I will call her!), Meagan’s younger sister, who was somewhat transformed from the skinny slip of a thing that I had known 3 years earlier. She was still slim, but oh my God was she hot! A slim tight body and incredibly pretty face. She was looking at me throughout the sermon, and telling me with her playful eye-rolling that we were on side. She had been painfully shy and quiet when I had dated Meagan, so I hardly knew her, but she had turned into a cheeky, playful, horny smart little honey. We were instant buddies that day. When we all walked passed the wedding party she was there as a bridesmaid, of course, and in her greeting to me gave me a daring, way too long, kiss! All these scornful fundamentalists looked on. She smiled at me and said “Its good to be a bridesmaid!”. I said back, “And I’m a bridesmaid fucker, how about that?” That may seem very forward and confident! I actually wasn’t THAT confident a guy, but I had been well encouraged, so was bolder than usual! That just came oot! “She lifted her eyebrows at me and said “Oh really?” in a playfully inquiring tone.
Needless to say I boned her senseless after the reception and we hooked up as a couple subsequently. With Katie the sex was sensational and plentiful and she was at least a couple of grades abover her sister who I began to see as rather dull. Really, she was incredible.
In that circumstance, and with no parents of my own in town, I used to hang out at Katie’s quite often , often scrounging meals (lousy cook and single guy that I was!) – and became part of her family to some extent. I got know them all pretty well. And I realised that what had seemed a quiet, homely sort of family had in fact developed cracks. The old man, Max, was a workaholic, and I mean that. He worked ridiculous hours in a mechanics shop he owned. It doesn’t sound so bad, but it was genuinely pathological – like some sort of crazy way for a depressed man to get through the days. His wife, Elizabeth, was a pleasant enough 48 year old who was really nice to me. I loved her, but actually didn’t think of her sexually (until a certain crucial day, as you realise!). The family was not Christian, but strangely conservative, and Max thought he should give 10% of his income to the church as a tithe, even though he wasn’t a believer (?!). How fucked up is that? He apparently had some guilt about his non-belief. Katie’s younger brother, Brent, was a dope addict at 14 years old. It was creaking!
I would often go over there, and if Katie was out, just sit and talk with Elizabeth over coffee. I began to realise that beneath the conservative facade of polite happiness, Elizabeth was deeply unhappy. Max never “made love to her” – she told me one day. She wasn’t so thrilled about what had happened to Meagan. The 10% tithe thing made her blood boil. Still, I didn’t make a move on her – and didn’t really consider doing it.
One day, something very weird happened to me. I was driving to visit Katie, horny as fuck, and planning to plow her up as soon as I got in. On the phone she had told me she was home alone. But, as I neared the house I passed Elizabeth on the street walking home from the bus stop! She didn’t see me – I don’t think. Of course, any normal day I would pick her up and drive her home – but this day, in a flash, a bizarre plan jumped into my head. For some insane reason I suddenly really wanted Elizabeth to see me pounding her daughter Katie.
It all went to plan. I got in – almost raped Katie – which made her giggle with delight – taking her doggie style over the kitchen table. Katie, as usual was juiced up and dripping, and I just totally laid into her. Elizabeth came strolling in 5 minutes later walking right in on us. I had heard the gate click so I had about 20 seconds notice of her arrival. As she reached the door I had Katie’s ass cheeks in my hands, and was pulling her ass up at my cock as I exploded inside her. Elizabeth stood there slightly dumbstruck. Katie’s head turned to see her mom standing there. Katie was aroused at that stage, but mom’ arrival totally broke the spelll for her. I was grunting like a pig emptying my load!! Rather ingenously I pulled my dripping, shiny, cunt juiced up cock out of Katie’s gaping hole to give her mom a good look at it. Elizabeth stood gaping for a moment and then politely and qyuietly moved on to another room. Katie, who was not exactly shy, put her hand to her mouth and said, laughing, “Oh shit!”. She wasn’t all that troubled.
Later Elizabeth spoke to us both – at that same table – saying “I know you too are physically intimate, but can you be more discreet and not do it on the kitchen table where we all eat?” There was a feint hint of a smirk on her face!!!
After that I was desperate to be alone with Elizabeth – and got my wish within a week. With just me present she laughed about the incident. She told me, more seriously, that our “lovemaking had actually been quite arousing” and her gaze fell on me as she said that, a steady, unflinching yet searching gaze. I needed no further encouragement. I knew Max gave her nothing. “I can fuck you…if you want”. She just fell into my arms and starting kissing me passionately, and I we made jiggy. It was actually increibly sweet and emotional. Afterward, it was like a pressure valve had been released. “Oh God, I needed that so badly”, she shouted out, flopping back onto her bed. Then, “Hey, you have now fucked all three Taylor girls”. Well, I had noticed that too! I loved the way “lovemaking” had turned to “getting fucked”. Then we had a laugh about poor old Meagan – and she told me I should fuck her again if I could. I told her that Katie was awesome, and she told me she had seen that – she had never seen such a slick cock as when she had caught us.
Now, I am not making this up – but Max died of a heart attack a few months later – and although nobody said it – a big blockage was removed from Elizabeth’s life. She went back to college and ended up in an urban art collective – playing muse for every up and coming male painter/sculptor or whatever. She looked like a complete hippy slut (and was!) but even at 50+ years she was pretty and sexy enough to pull that off without looking stupid. She fucked herself senseless in her fading years, but was also smart enough to be genuinely valued in that community. She was quite a gformidable al, once set free.
Now get this, Katie left me for an incredibly hwell ung guy named John because I was…too boring. With John, it was cock, cocaine, and partying. I was, after all just a kinky engineer with an OK but not huge dick. She left him after predictsbly going off the rails for a bit, and then got herself knocked up by an intense, skinny hippy type guy! Oh God, how that family changed from that first dinner I had at their place when I was dating Megan, when they had said grace before quietly and politely eating their steak and vegetables!
I saw them all again in a beer garden, all 4 of us together, about 5 years after all that! It was the strangest gathering. It was us 4 plus Katie’s and Meagan’s kids. Meag was still uptight and would have been an awful mother! At one point, Elizabeth turned to me and gleaming (and ignoring Meagan’s whining) said, “And thank you young man for everything you’ve done for us”. Meagan stupidly asked “What do you mean?” and Katie piped in, “I know what she means”. Meag looked a bit bitter and Katie, who sadly had little of the sparkle she once possessed said “Oh mom, you are such a slut”. Nevertheless, I did nail Katie a few more times, cucking her weird partner, but not the other two. And Katie was alwyas a great fuck, and perpetually horny.
From this tale, I might sound like a bull. In fact, I can’t work out what I am. I am sort of half bull, half cuck. My cock is 6.5 inches and thick (at about the 90 percentile I guess), but I am a cuck husband. I am kind of kinky and can be dominering, yet I support a slut wife who does no paid work, and barely more housework than me. Who knows or cares what I am? Labels – pah!