This is a long story for any woman who loves two different men – written by a woman who got between two different men. If you are a guy, and you read this to the conclusion, you are probably great in bed. So read on…
I just had the most erotic experience of my life. Last weekend, my husband and I were on vacation with this really tight group of friends. One of them was Mark, his college roommate, an incredibly attractive guy who has always piqued my interest. Please note that I am totally in love with my husband Brad. But I definitely could have fallen for Mark, if things had worked out differently. I reserve a corner of lust for this man – in my heart, and in many other places. I connect with him every time we sip a cocktail, every time we share a raunchy joke, every time he looks at me with those beautiful brown eyes. And whether I realize this or not, I have encouraged Mark to come on to me. Every chance I get.
The cool thing is that my husband knows this, and he hasn’t tried to stop it. Quite the opposite. Brad is completely confident as a male. He knows I’m a wild woman with Scots blood, and that I have to run my course. But I believe it is better to run openly, that to run behind his back.
I’ll be the first to admit I am quite a brat. And a dick tease. And just a bit of a hotwife.
In the past, Mark and I have had intimate conversations which have aroused both of us. Yet we always pulled away from doing anything about it. Other people were in orbit around us. We had to think of them.
Friday night certainly started the same way. Let me paint a pretty XXX picture for you… Five couples from the Beltway are vacationing together in the Islands. Our beach condos have a common party area. We have three blenders set up at our outdoor cabana. The air is warm and balmy, and soft moonlight bathes the brownish thatch above the cabana. The sound of crashing surf is silenced only the churn of rum and strawberries in the blenders. Things start to get a little wild. This really cute blonde from the Netherlands, a relation of one of our friends, is trying to seduce my husband. But he just looks over at me and smiles. Not his type. Besides, he has me waiting for him! He wasn’t going to take the bait. That makes me feel really secure. But…there is still Mark.
After drinking way too many daiquiris, I start talking sex. And he starts talking back, very graphically. It’s all cool until he leans forward and gently touches the inside of my thigh. He never went this far before. I was still in my beach thong, wearing a tight, cutoff Mets shirt and no top. I have truly awesome breasts, and I know my nipples are poking between the M/E and the T/S (they will go all the way in ’07, by the way). Mark’s hand on my leg sends an electric shock up my crotch. All of a sudden, I feel intense desire, but also some guilt and confusion. Ted is twenty feet away from me.
I wish I could just feel one way or the other. And at this moment, I wish he would pick up that Dutch blonde.
Mark’s hand quickly withdrawals. Every once in a while, Brad walks by and catches snippets of our conversation. Always something about positions and orgasms. Once I caught Ted smiling playfully at me.
Mark’s girlfriend also stops by our end of the table. Cindy is a little older, and I think she’s a little up tight. But to her credit, she has also subtly encouraged me to flirt with Mark. Cindy has been doing some night swimming, her body is incredibly fit. Too fit, in my opinion, not soft where a woman needs to be soft. She now wants to go to bed. Too early, in my opinion, too early when a great guy like Mark is still outdoors. She kisses Mark, hugs me, and off she goes. I’m thinking to myself, “She has to know that we’re attracted to each other. Why leave a guy like this on his own?”
The party starts to break up. I’m definitely a little tipsy. But I know what I’m doing. Ditto for Brad and Mark. They have iron constitutions. They drink like fish, and then cycle fifty miles at daybreak. I’m thinking that I should also be heading to bed, but part of me wants to keep teasing Mark. Ted is still talking to the Dutch girl, who appears a little disappointed that he hasn’t made his move.
Finally, Miss Netherlands leaves with all the others. Ted pulls up a stool beside me. He takes a long draught of his drink and proceeds to blow me away. “Bridgett, you have been mercilessly teasing this poor bastard all night. If you talked to me that way about sex, we’d already be doing it right on the bartop. Don’t you think you owe Mark a little something?”
I am absolutely floored by his suggestion. I cup my husband’s face in my hands, as if to capture his attention. “Do you have any idea what you are saying?” I have never done anything like that in my life. I continue to protest, but Brad simply pushes into me on the bar stool and parts my legs with his massive thighs. Mark is just inches away. He places his strong hands around my ass, and kisses me passionately.
It gets interesting now, sports fans. My mind does a 180. I start a complete sexual meltdown. My back is now to Mark. Ted runs his hands under my thong and gently pulls it down – under the chair, down to mid-thigh. I admit this suit doesn’t leave much to the imagination. But having that tiny sliver of fabric clinging to my crotch – that at least keeps me on this side of decency. Losing it before two guys means a trip to the wild side.
A fantastic trip.
My back is still to Mark. He is watching every bit of this – the hands, the thong, the ass, the slender valley of exposed white skin. For me, the turn-on of showing my ass to a friend is just unbelievable. To show it to Mark… that’s beyond comprehension. Two men – good men – are absolutely ravenous for every square inch of my body. I am entering an erotic pleasure zone the likes I have never known. A quick decision is required: Should I choose the pleasure that comes from having sex with two of my favorite men? Or should I consider the complications that arise from a threesome among good friends? Guys don’t think about this. They just act. Girls are supposed to be the enlightened ones here. That’s the nature of the beast.
But…oh, sweet temptation. Brad’s mouth is near my ear, beneath my sun-bleached hair. “Here is the only rule, Lover. Just don’t do anything you don’t want to do.” I quickly make up my mind. I side with pleasure. But, smart girl I am, I quickly add, “Mark can do anything he wants to do. Except he can’t fuck me. That’s only for you.”
“That works for me, sweetheart.”
Brad looks over my shoulder at Mark, and just nods. A cool, subtle nod, like Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter. On cue, I feel Mark’s hands reaching behind me. I close my eyes, as if in disbelief that this could possibly be happening. Mark is moving down my butt crack, now completely exposed. My body shivers as I hear ice cubes rattle on the cabana bar. Suddenly, a piece of ice is moving over my anus. I then remember that at dozens of different gatherings, I have told Mark everything that turns me on sexually. I wonder if he has started a dossier on me, storing it deep inside his mind. At this moment, I imagine he is mentally flipping through those files, finding all the right reference points, all the right spots, all the right moves.
Then, I have a nasty thought. I never told Brad that ice on my ass drives me wild! And he has never tried it. I look up at Brad. He is looking down at my ass with utter amazement. What else have I kept back from him? Have I subconsciously saved some special knowledge only for Mark? As the rest of the night unfolds, I realize the answer is…
I am grinding my hips now, and moving my ass slowly up and down on the oblong ice cube. Each time I come down, it moves further in. I could probably have cum anally within seconds. Something about that may have gotten to my husband. He may be having second thoughts. Or jealousy may be overtaking his voyeuristic passion. He breaks his kiss and abruptly swivels my bar stool. I am now facing Mark, my newest lover. Within the span of three minutes, life has changed completely. I now raise my arms above my head and intertwine them, clasping my hands, like two writhing snakes joined at the top. My body is Athenic (sorry, no modesty required). Long legs, curvy hips blending into a slender waist, large, beautiful breasts, delicate neck, auburn hair, pretty face. I am also very tan. Everywhere.
In college, I was a cellist, first chair. I always wore low cut gowns. And I straddled that instrument on stage. I played good music. But I sometimes imagined three-quarters of the audience was never listening, only watching, and fantasizing. That included all the men, and half the women. I was the cellist they always wanted to fuck.
More than once, I came with a cello between my legs. Just from the vibrations of the bow moving across the string.
Mark reads my cue. I am not subtle now. He reaches down to pull off my shirt. It hangs up on the edge, and then all of a sudden breasts leap out like prisoners going on furlough. I love the feeling of freedom this gives me, to be disrobed in the night air. And I also love the candy store look on Mark’s face. He has never seen me like this before. He pulls the shirt the length of my arms and up over my hands. Then the thong completes its journey down my smooth, shaved legs.
“What do you think, my friend?’ Brad reaches from behind and pinches the nipple of my right breast. “Is she everything you ever imagined?”
“You have no idea, my friend. You have no idea. She is everything I dreamed she would be.”
Ok, time to throw all my New England Puritan upbringing out the window. Time to tatoo a Scarlet A on each breast. This is a treasured prohibition for any woman. To be naked before two adoring men, and to have them positively fawning over you – that is the definition of erotic. They are like puppies at this moment. I absolutely control them. I arch back and Mark starts sucking on my left breast. The ice cube is still inside me, burning me with pleasure. I fall farther back on Ted as if lying on a hammock. I am oblivious to everything around me except my desire, but Brad is more mindful than me of our situation. We’re outside, I’m completely naked, Mark’s lady is sleeping beside an open window, all our friends are within yards of us. We are shielded only by the thatched roof of the cabana. We need to be cool, and quick.
“Let’s get on with this, shall we?” says Brad.
I flip my legs on to Mark’s back and straddle his neck, opening myself to him, submitting to his oral whim. Mark drops to his knees and starts licking my clit. “OH WOW,” I think to myself, he is completely different. Ted always moves his tongue softly over me, directly over me, leading up to a slow, gradual cum. That’s what I always told him I liked. But Mark’s tongue is thicker, stronger, and also more practiced. He licks off to the side, with much more pressure. I must have told him that I like it that way. It’s more of that special knowledge I have stashed away just for him.
I’m wild now, the ice cube dripping out of me, my ass sliding on the stool. My husband is my chase lounge, his best friend is my vibrator! I start to cum first in ass, then on my clit, then up my vagina. A sort of burning sensation moves inside my tummy, then outwards to every part of my body. For any injustice a woman may have ever suffered, I am now the consolation of an entire gender. No man can cum like this. Nature saved this just for me!
A scream involuntarily erupts from my lungs, but Brad is quick to cover my mouth. Ted – always my responsible knight in shining armor. I think I bit his finger, half in protest at being stifled, half because I was cumming so wildly. Mark stops his tongue motion just at the right time, just past the peak of my climax, just before it could start to hurt. He reads me so well. I flop helplessly in Brad’s arms like wet cardboard.
At that instant, a stiff tropical breeze blows from the ocean, swaying the palm trees. I am chilled to the skin, but too satiated to even think about clothing. No jacket required.
Then I think about turnaround, and in a heartbeat my sexual imagination is reignited. I will finally get to suck Mark’s cock! At the beach, or in his backyard, or at my boyfriend’s parties, how many times have I watched him – in a bathing suit, or in a pair of shorts – wondering what he looked like? Once, Mark stood on a diving board in a Speedo, and caught me staring. Now, it’s lady’s choice. Now, it’s my turn to undress him! I bolt up, not even thinking about Brad. “Take off your shorts, Mark!” I demand. “Let me see it!”
He smiles and obliges me. His magnificent prick comes tumbling out of its cotton holster. Mark has a tennis player’s body, athletic and extremely trim, with thighs so firm and muscular he could make a girl cum simply by rubbing on them.
But now I learn that his legs are not his best asset. Not by a long shot.
“Ohhhhhhh!” I breathe in quickly. He is absolutely beautiful! Slightly longer than Brad, but considerably thicker. The most striking part of his manhood is the head. It is perfectly formed and symmetrically curved, like a sculpture, or like the smooth rounded nose of the space shuttle. The tip of that gorgeous instrument is much bigger in proportion to the shaft – at least compared to other men I have pleasured. But certainly not grotesquely so. In the moonlight, his head is purple in color, and pulsing. The skin also gleams as if polished by frequent use. Mark has the most perfect male specimen I have ever seen. For an instant, I think selfishly to myself, “I could be going to bed with this every night…”
Wasting no time – because time is slipping fast – I drop supplicant to my knees, and start to do my stuff. Giving a guy a BJ is one of the biggest turn’ons I know. I regard it as a core feminine life skill. The prospect of having this cock in my mouth is incredible. I start with his tightened scrotum, massaging every part of him with my tongue. I then move on to that ramrod shaft, and lick up and down that erect monument as if finishing off an ice cream bar. Precum quickly leaks into my mouth – sweet, slippery, like pancake syrup.
I constantly use my eyes during oral sex. I use them just as I use my tongue – to tease, to tantalize, to torture. My eyes meet Mark’s eyes on every upstroke, and then my eyes disappear as I lurch back down to his balls. When I resurface, with my tongue near the top, my eyes once again meet his, as he is waiting for me! I am blowing away this wonderful man with a sex gaze
By rubbing my legs together, I make myself cum while blowing Mark. Not like the first one. More like a tease to me. Like I want much more.
Mark is close to ecstasy, but not quite there. I won’t let him finish, not this way. I want to feel that warm cum way up inside me! I pull away my mouth and I stand before him. He asks me turn around, and before I know it, that cock is gently massaging my freezing butthole. He makes those slow, lazy circles that I confided to him were a favorite. Then he turns me around again. I leap at him, kissing him passionately, in full view of my husband. His cock touches the outside of my vagina, and I shutter with excitement. I push a little tighter. This changes everything, because I now want Mark to fuck me in the worse way. So I immediately turn to Brad and start b-e-g-g-i-n-g. “Sweetheart, I changed my mind. I want him inside me!”
“You said no just a few minutes ago, Lover. That’s what you didn’t want to do.”
“Please, Brad! Just this once. He drives me wild! Please let me! Just once! Please let me!”
No, he says, and a small argument ensues. Rage boils in me, and I begin to think of monstrous ways to get back at him. Just as I’m about to storm off to my room, he relents. But Brad’s a smart man. He adds a caveat. In sexual license, there is always a caveat. And Brad is a master negotiator, a rising star manager for a hedge fund. He looks at me intently. “If you agree, he gets to fuck you anyway he likes. Anyway he likes. And so do I.”
I am completely stunned. I know exactly where Brad is going with this. I let by husband do a lot of things, and he often gets me to cum anally with my toys. I fake some other times, just to keep him happy. Faking can be a girl’s best friend. But this is my line in the sand. Anal penetration with a cock just scares me. I admire girls who think differently, or who at least act differently. Just not for me.
But now, my own desire has trapped me. Clearly, if I want the wildest sex of my life, I have to take the risk. “Yes, Brad. He can take me any way he wants. And so can you! Now just get on with it!”
“Alright, then. Let’s go.”
Time for this girl to go for broke. I jump up over the bar face down, and place my feet on the rungs of two bar stools. I calculate the height perfectly, as both men are about 6’2”. Dripping wet, last of the ice water dripping over my clit. There is some hushed conversation between the two, and something small and cold lands on the small of my back. I later learned it was a quarter, and that they flipped to see who would go first.
How hot is that!
I feel lips moving around my ass, with soft kisses and long strokes of a tongue. It is definitely Mark’s, and I breathe tense gulps of air with desperate anticipation. What will he do?, I thought. Where will he fuck me? In a minute, the perfect head of that perfect cock starts performing slow circles around my clit, like a high performance aircraft doing loops in the sky. Then it moves lower to my opening, and starts doing the same. Oh, thank you, Mark! My sex barometer rises as firm hands now alight on my ass cheeks. Prepare for impact.
Mark pushes inside me, and my body heaves with orgasmic excitement! With one hand, I grasp one edge of the bartop to steady myself, and reach down to my clit with the other. And then I clamp my thighs down against the other edge. I feel the full size of Mark’s beautiful humanity. My body shakes as if standing at the epicenter of an earthquake, and I cum as I have never cum with another man. It is completely different from the first. It is localized, and intense, almost stinging pleasure that splits me from the vagina out.
“Bang me hard, Mark! Fuck me, Mark!” I start to scream, as loud as I want to scream and as long as it takes my lungs to give out. And no one stops me. Some lights come on near the condos, but I refuse to stop cumming. Mark then starts coming fast and furiously, shaking my body violently as he fills me with liquid warmth. He screams in a lyrical baritone, almost in harmony to my passionate alto. For any woman has ever had the pleasure of first time forbidden sex, you know well the exhilaration I speak of. For anyone woman who has not, you seriously need to give this a try.
When Mark pulls out, his fluid immediately oozes out of me. I am sexually wasted. But I have to give my husband his due. I am certain I know how he will take me. I wait for him to ravish me. But it never happens. He is gone, missing in action. Brad has walked quietly away. No explanation, no excuse. I don’t know why he didn’t take me next. He simply allowed me to do his friend in privacy.
I decide not to go looking for Brad. Because I really don’t want this night to end. Not yet. Mark and I grab a blanket and move down to the beach. We spend another hour talking, caressing, stroking, moonbathing, fucking. He performs every other trick on me that I taught him.
A line has been crossed, and we both know it. A big line. Tomorrow, life will be very different. Relationships are like solar systems – add a new planet to the mix, and all the orbits start to change. All our orbits are about to change. But for now, I want to stay lost in pleasure, not in consequence. Because the pleasure I felt was so wanton, so magnificent. So…fleeting…
One post script. We all returned home on Sunday. On Monday, Mark’s girlfriend called and invited us over for dinner this weekend. Standby for more fun…