Recently there was a survey that stated that English women are now MORE fertile than they’ve been in over 20 years! And yet, it is a well known fact that men are getting LESS & LESS fertile over the years! So how is this? The reason is that English wives are taking on lovers when their husbands are found to be “firing blanks”! Wives are getting bolder— IVF is expensive & not easily available on the Health Service, & also a low chance of success. And with the power of the web, capable studs are being recommended— their names are circulated, & of course the “clock is always ticking” as regards the fertile cycle. So now more & more English wives are cuckolding their husbands, & being bred by men of their choice! More & more English men are becoming cuckolds, & HAVE to accept the superiority of their wives’ lovers! Wives are rejecting their husbands’ inferior sperm, & going with their randy & fertile lovers in front of their cuckold. So more & more babies are being born! More lovers, more cuckolds, & more babies born to a select group of superior men!
I should know— tests revealed my EXTREMELY low sperm count, & a friend at my wife’s place of work recommended a bloke someone knew. He came over when my wife was particularly fertile & was ovulating! I knew at once that I would be cuckold! He was taller, stronger & so so much better looking than me— AND he’d already breeded 2 other wives before— producing wonderful children. So when that feature on fertile wives featured on TV, Julie was with Martin— they smiled, she showing us her 7 months swollen belly— they kissed in front of me, & then my lovely wife knelt before her lover & sucked him off in front of me, whilst the program on fertile English women was being aired! They looksd at me, & when I’d come all over onto a tissue, my semen was dismissed as inferior, & my wife, opening her mouth, showed me ALL that lovely, fertile semen from her lover’s big cock! He had spunked her mouth, having creamed her fertile vagina 7 months earlier!
Thanks for a great site!