That posting from Terry (called “Low sperm count” of 24 June was a delight to read. But it wasn’t clear from the letter whether Terr’y husband KNEW that he was a cuckold. Did her husband know that his wife was spending afternoons in motel rooms, trying to get impregnated by different men— indeed spending once 3 days with 3 men, all of them inseminating her. Did her husband know WHY his wife was so sore after that? The fact that she had multiple cocks—
But a happy ending to that story, her having twins by a virile stud 10 years younger than her. I suppose she MUST have told her husband that her swollen belly was her “lover’s belly”, & that she was carrying those twins for her lover, & not for her husband.
I too have a low sperm count, & my wife is broody— threatening to find herself a stud companion to breed her— in front of me if I wanted to watch. She has suggested the younger brother of a friend of hers— a tall, strong & handsome guy— intelligent & healthy— the perfect stud elect!
Wish I could have a better sperm count, but as Terry says, MOST men have low sperm counts on account of modern living, so studs are now at a premium. I would suggest to Terry that she & her friends who have been impregnated by that 24 year old stud, make sure that he is ALWAYS around for them, so that he can give them babies that their poor husbands are incapable of
Maybe Terry would like to respond to the questions that I had asked in this posting?