This happened back in the early 1980’s, we had been married only 9 months, I had been in the Australian Army for 5 years and I was selected for a promotion course for sergeant, which meant being away from my bride for 12 weeks at the Infantry school in New South Wales. Carol had just started a job at the bank in Adelaide so she needed to stay put, back in those days we didn’t have the telephone connected so we did something that is probably alien to most today and that was write letters to each other. Lots of letters, Carol was writing every 2nd day and as the weeks wore on they took on a more sexual tone due to our abstinence.
The course was full on so I spent most of Saturday morning replying to her letters, she revelled in the fact that she was providing me with masturbation material, we were very active sexually and had often fantasised about having a third person in our bed but we were reluctant to divulge our identity, back then you put an ad in a sex magazine and gave a postal address. So we fantasised a lot and in my letters to her I’d fantasise about her and a co worker getting it off, but carol says although there were several guys hitting on her it was to close to work.
About the 7th week away in one of her letters she mentioned that the grass in the backyard was like a jungle and she couldn’t start the lawn mower and I got to thinking. We had phone contact with the unit so I asked two of my friends if they could drop by on the weekend and get the mower started for Carol, knowing they would hit on her given the chance.
Come the middle of the next week the much awaited letter from Carol arrived, in it she described how not two but three of my mates arrived and spent the afternoon mowing and cleaning the yard, naturally the shirts came off and she said she was getting horny so she dressed down wearing a mini with boob tube that was her favourite back then and eventually she lost the nickers and took more cold drinks out than was necessary and of course the comments turned sexual. After they finished with the yard they were all sweaty so Carol showed them the showers and a few cold beers.
She drew the letter out describing how they got her in the shower and naked and then into the bedroom where all three fucked her all night and all day Sunday before they return to the barracks. During the rest of the week she spoon fed me details of the weekend including polaroid photo’s.
For the next 5 weekends she entertained them boys from Friday night till Sunday afternoon and I had some great wanking material. On completion of the course the first weekend involved us all gangbanging her and we have carried on with the lifestyle ever since.