For 2 years i was dating a Lady who lived in a different country – about 3 hours flight from me. She told me straight up that She had strong sexual needs and that when i wasn’t there, She would fuck other men whenever She felt like it. The deal was that She always would tell me what She was doing – and also that i had to swear to be completely faithful to Her. i agreed. She would chat to me online via webcam when She was getting ready for a date – and then call me afterwards to rub my nose in the good sex She had just had. Usually She would take photos with Her phone of Her fucking or sucking the guy in question, and mail them to me.
She was insistent that their cocks were bigger and better than mine and therefore even when we moved together She intended to keep having sex with them. i know this is true because a couple of times when we were together She would turf me out of the hotel room – my hotel room – so She could fuck another Guy while i went shopping for Her presents. Two times She even fucked them in front of me. She loved that – gloating over me on how much better they were.
Towards the end, She had me in a chastity belt so that i wouldn’t be able to jerk off or get hard when i wasn’t given permission. It may sound crazy, but – i was really happy – and looking forward to a long life together. She always told me that She loved me very much, but just that i wasn’t enough for Her sexually. i accepted that – but then one day my job moved me further away and it became impractical to keep in touch. We had a big fight over my failure to live with Her – and that’s how it ended.
i still miss Her – it was the best relationship i ever had…