Nursing our twin daughters had a very positive effect on my wife’s breast size while making our social life almost vanish. One of Sarah’s sorority sisters was getting remarried out of town and her goals were to wean the girls and lose ten pounds by the date of the wedding. She achieved both by the day we dropped the babies off at grandma’s house for a long weekend.
We arrived at the hotel too late Friday night to join any of the festivities and went straight to bed so we would be rested for the church service. The wedding was your typical small town affair–everyone was there–and the bridal party moved led the group to the hotel bar for a few celebratory drinks before the dinner that evening. Sarah had a great time seeing all of her college friends again and enthusiatically downed several congratulatory shots.
Sarah had not had a drop to drink in almost two years (since she found out she was pregnant). Couple that with not having eaten since a late lunch the day before and I was not surprised that she was rather tipsy by the time we went to our hotel room to get dressed.
Sarah had brought a rather short black leather dress and some really hot lingerie to wear under it (all of which she had bought a couple of years earlier but never had a chance to wear). She got very upset that the bra would not fit her swelled breasts, which were dripping milk, and started to cry. I kissed her then orally releaved her problem. This always aroused her and we soon were screwing like minks.
This still left the problem of the too tight bra. She responded favorably to my dare “to go without it,” by saying, “If I’m not wearing underwear, then you’re not wearing underwear.” “It’s a deal. We both go commando.” Sarah went into the bathroom to take touch up up her hair and makeup. Wanting to be of assistance I took her dress off the hanger…my eyes were drawn to a decorative six inch long slit up its back. Two strong rows of thread were sewn across it to keep it from opening more than a fraction. I took out my pocket knife and gleefully cut and removed the threads allowing it to open nice and wide.
When Sarah came out she was wearing a garterbelt, black backseamed nylons, and a pair of very sexy high heels. She had also shaved off all of her pubic hair. I told her how incredibly hot she looked and helped her step into the dress. Looking at her incredible ass I could see why the slit had been sewn shut as the lace at the top of the stocking was very visible even when she stood still. “Lets get going. I don’t want to be late, she said.” I held my breath as I watched her walk towards the door. I could see a good three inches of her ass with every step. There was no question that everyone would know she was going sans panties. I hadn’t even noticed that the view down the front was equally revealing.
The party was in full swing when we arrived and went straight for the bar. Sarah found an open spot and lifted one leg onto the brass rail…this pose exposed not only her entire naked ass but a good deal of her “maidenly charms.” Two men noticed her display and quickly pointed it out to every man in the bar. I watched as my sweet, innocent wife leaned forward to pick up her third shot…and her breasts leapt into view. She giggled and tried to adjust her dress when one of the groomsmen stepped behind her and cupped her ass cheeks through the slit. Instead of slapping him she turned her head and said, “No one grabs my ass unless they but me a drink first.” His fingers probed even further as he called for the bartender to pour another round. Several other men offered to buy her a shot (which was mighty generous considering it was an open bar). Within seconds ano ther man’s hand joined the first, forcing her legs further apart. Her dress was soon raised high enough for her garter belt to be in full view. A young man elbowed his way in front of her–he couldn’t have been much more than sixteen–and, judging by the sounds which she began to make, finger fucked her to a vocal climax. She French kissed him a thank you.
I watched in amazement as another man stepped forward to molest my wife.
Someone behind her unzipped the dress then slipped the spaghetti straps down her shoulders completely freeing her breasts…her nipples were absolutely huge and large drops of milk hung invitingly from them. The men playing with her pussy removed their hands long enough for the dress to fall to the floor. All she had on was her garter belt, nylons, and shoes–for all intents and purposes my wife was naked in a bar full of horny men.
Dinner wouldn’t start for a little over an hour and someone suggested they move the party upstairs since they were afraid that a wife or bridesmaid would show up and put an end to the fun. The best man said their stag party the night before was lame and asked me if it was okay if they made up for it with my wife.
“On two conditions,” I replied, “One, that you’re done in time for dinner. And two, if my wife is going to work like a pro she should be paid like a pro.” We agreed that ten dollars a man was adequate compensation. They reluctantly let my wife make herself presentable to walk through the hotel lobby.
I took the attached photo with my cell phone just before the gang bang began. Sarah never did make it down for dinner–I told everyone she wasn’t feeling well. When the night was done (about five hours later) she had earned $220–the groom, his father, and several others got freebies.
The next morning Sarah said she felt like she had screwed every man in town. Well, at least it was a small town,” was my reply.